Tuesday, 24 January 2012

It's not Year of the Rabbit anymore!

Last Chinese New Year Kay drew this picture of us...well, I guess we have to wait for another 11 years for another one, we'll be soooo old by then :P.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Conflicting self-perception

Kay told us that she grew up believing that we have very strong rabbit identities, even though we were raised with (by?) her and her (our) human family since infancy.  So I'd like to talk about it in this post.

Well, I've always known that something's different with us.  I can't remember when Kay told us that we're adopted, but I remember not being entirely surprised.  I think I was a little more accepting of it than B initially was.  I think what we were concerned the most was whether Kay would still love us as much as she does her (our) human siblings, but she reassured us and we were fine.  However, up until that point I certainly didn't give much of a thought as to what, or who, I was.  I think Kay told us that we're rabbits, but I didn't pay much attention to it, because in my mind the most important thing is that I was Kay and B's little sister.

Our childhood wasn't exactly a walk in the park, in terms of relating to other rabbits.  When we started to venture out on our own (when Kay's not looking) to find other rabbits to make friends with, they've already noticed something that's 'off' about us.  We didn't talk like them, we were totally uninformed on anything that's going on in the rabbit world.  In fact, the only reason we could communicate with them in the first place at that time is because some of the rabbits spoke Human because they lived with humans.

The older ones were kind to us.  They told us that our situation is very unique in the sense that they have not met a rabbit who has a relationship with humans the same way that we do.  The rabbits who live with humans or come into contact with humans are considered by them as 'pets', or sometimes the humans would be 'mommy' or 'daddy' or the rabbits would be their 'children'...though of course both parties know that they don't really believe it.  In all these cases, there's a very sharp boundary between them, usually enforced by the human, like, "I'm a human and you're a rabbit".  This was never the case with Kay and us.  Also, they've never heard of a human adopting rabbits as their siblings before.

The younger ones, however, weren't so nice.  They would tease us mercilessly about our human sister, and how could humans and rabbits REALLY be siblings?! That's absurd, they would say.  It's ludicrous, and it's a joke, they would say.  They would challenge us to find our 'real' family members and how Kay couldn't possibly really love us because we're not her 'real' siblings, and all other mean stuff.  It hurt so much, and for a time we felt really angsty towards Kay...I mean, I would sometimes wish we were raised in a 'normal' rabbit family, and maybe if she didn't adopt us, we would have the chance to find our biological families eventually...though as we grew older we know that she's our REAL sister and those mean rabbits were just being horrible to us because they were envious.  I bet they wish they have a sister like ours!

Friday, 13 January 2012

so much on my mind

A and I keep on meaning wanting to write about our experiences as rabbits being raised by a human girl.  She's our big sister, but at the same time she's like a mother figure, which makes it so confusing.  We don't even know where to start really...

It isn't always easy, but we wouldn't have it any other way.  If we could go back in time and change the future, we would choose the same one - this one.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Evidence of a lost human-rabbit coexistence

We believe that humans and rabbits once co-existed, but due to some grave sin, a moment of transgression committed by ...somebody, they were punish to never coexist again.  All of the collective memories and relics that serve as evidence that this used to happen disappeared overnight, and rabbits were then banished to live in warrens and to be preyed on (no longer enjoy the protection of humans) and humans...to never again benefit from the wisdom of the rabbits.

Overnight, they also lost the ability to talk to each other or even hear each other.   At first it came as a shock, but eventually, well, soon after, the memories of a human-rabbit society disappeared without a trace.

Then we came along - B, Kay and I, a human girl and two rabbits who remember what it was like to live together as kindred.  Maybe this could be a start for us - a journey to redeem humanity and rabbitkind and to reunite them!

You can still see traces of evidence today. If you come across some older houses in Britain, you'll see that on one side of the doors there are little door-shaped indentations:

Of course these are explained away as 'boot scrapers' now, but nobody knew that when rabbits used to coexist with humans, these served as rabbit doors. When they were taken away from us, these doors were all cemented from the inside and had stuff built around them to make them look like they function as something else.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

my flat face

I know my face is flat, unlike A's or other rabbits'.  Yeah, I get a little conscious about it sometimes, but the thing is that, if it's good enough for A and Kay and the ladies I've dated, then certainly it can't be so bad!?

Anyway, for a long time, Kay would beat herself up so much over it.  She would tell people that it's her fault, that as a kid she went through this, 'all boys are icky' phase, and sat on my face when we were younger and squashed it while coo-cooing over A, so it ended up like this.

Kay sure has an active imagination!  But the truth is, I was born like this.  If I felt like my face had been squashed, I would have remembered it, even as a youngster.

Monday, 9 January 2012

inauguration post

Ok, so I'm here by the encouragement and recommendation from my sister and her boyfriend.  She said that our sister and I ought to write a blog since we're rabbits who are adopted and raised by a human girl and our experience ought to be extraordinarily interesting.

Oh, before I forget to introduce myself and my ...ahem...cohorts: my name's B, and my rabbit sister and would-be co-author of this blog is A, and our human sister is Kay.  By the way, I wonder if A and I could cajole her into drawing something cute for us to decorate our blog with...

Btw, Kay would like me to share with you the email she wrote to her boyfriend Stephen that started it all:

(she emailed Stephen saying that she saw a book on sale on Amazon that was supposedly written by a bunny, and she wasn't impressed)
I'm reading the sneak preview thing.  It looks too much like a human writing it, pretending to be a bunny :|
Anyway, even if the bunny really wrote it, well...you know, as much as I love bunnies and are protective of them, I still don't think that there's any  bunny in this world who are even half as brilliant, accomplished, loving, intelligent, charming, cute or adorable as my little siblings.
(BLUSH!!! - B)
To which Stephen replied:
Have A and B ever considered starting their own blog? I think that could be pretty amazing! They must have some really interesting stories to tell as bunnies who grew up as the brother and sister of a human girl.
So there you have it. That's how this blog started.